Monday, April 5, 2010

A Non Traditional Easter Dinner

Well, I finally did it to Easter too. A couple of years ago, my family began grilling out burgers (our favorite) on Christmas. I mean, why do turkey again right after Thanksgiving? So burgers, fries, and all the other goodies worked its way into our Christmas tradition. And two years ago, we introduced the Boston Butt. So what to do for Easter dinner? Hmmm... I did debate a ham and all that comes with that, but then I thought about the gorgeous weather and thought: burgers and hotdogs!!

When I have the family up for a cookout, I always do baked beans. So today I will share my recipe for baked beans...

2 large cans pintos (or kidneys)
1/2 pound ground beef
3 slices of bacon, chopped up
1 cup onion, chopped
1 cup green pepper, chopped
2 tablespoons chopped garlic
1.5 cups ketchup of choice
2 tablespoons worschestershire sauce
1/2 brown sugar
1/4 cup mustard

1. Using a saucepan, fry bacon until crispy. Remove and add onions, pepper, and ground beef to the bacon grease. Brown until done and veggies are soft.
2. Add garlic and cook for 1-2 minutes.
3. Add ketchup, worchestershire sauce, brown sugar, and mustard and cook through. Add salt and pepper to taste.
4. Drain the beans and add to a casserole dish. Add sauce mixture and mix well. Top with bacon and bake for 20 minutes.

I play with this recipe all the time... do what you'd like as you adjust to your taste!