Sunday, August 19, 2012

Back and blogging again

My computer went bye bye... and we were hoping to fix it, but alas it is no more.  I miss my HP terribly..... and it is why I have not blogged in since the last post way back in May.  So I have missed the entire summer of blogging!

Summer is an interesting time for a teacher- we have all this free time and have all these plans.  We are going to organize everything and spend the days visiting friends.  However, it seems as though, summer goes by too quickly.  I had a list of five simple tasks to complete by August 16th.  Well, let's just say that 2 of 5 did get done... but one of my goals was to cook/bake five new recipes.  And here is one that I did actually bake!

I love Pinterest-- a lot!  Maybe too much... I just pin and pin and pin.   I finally chose this one to do because it seems a little bit more healthy.  Here is the easiest thing I have ever baked!

oooo yummy!!
Cherry Angel Cake

1 box angel food cake mix
1 can low sugar cherry pie filling

1.  Mix the cake mix and pie filling together.
2.  Pour  into a greased 9*13 pan.
3.  Bake at 350* for 25-30 minutes.  Depends on your oven- so watch it!

Allow the cake to cool completely- then serve with fat free Cool Whip...

I can't really describe HOW absolutely wonderful this was.... It was light and fluffy and cherry!  The Dave loves cherry, but you can make this with pretty much any flavor of pie filling.  The cake was so moist and stayed so until it was GONE... of course, it went pretty darn fast.   This is definitely a Dave approved recipe.... and seriously, how easy was this?  A total  piece of cake!