Saturday, March 29, 2014


It’s Saturday, and Dave and I decided we would just snack for dinner tonight after having an extremely late lunch.  As we did the weekly shopping, we perused the snack aisle at the local Wally World, we picked up the standard go-to of Doritos, some popcorn, and regular tortilla chips.  I had been thinking of making the special crackers my mom used to make- so good and so flavorful.  I mentioned it to Dave and he was a bit dubious.  So I grabbed the Ranch dressing and decided tonight was the night.

We call these Arkansas Firecrackers or Texas Treats, but I am sure there are many names for these wonderful things.  Most of the great recipes and treats my mother brings come from her dearest friend, Jeanne Ball. Jeanne is like my second mother- she has definitely known me from before Day 1- When Momma attended the El Dorado Homecoming parade at nine months pregnant with Jeanne.  I have never known life without her presence in my life.  Many of the Kinder traditions have roots in El Do and the Balls.  And well this one, is a classic!


4 sleeves saltine crackers
1 cup canola oil
1 package of Ranch dressing powder
2 tablespoons crush red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon caraway seed
1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper

 1.  Combine oil and seasonings together.
 2.  Empty crackers into an air tight container or an extra large ziploc bag.
 3.   Pour oil mixture over the crackers.  Turn bag over and over to coat the oil into the crackers. 
       Continue doing this for an hour before serving.

I just keep turning and turning the crackers- like every time you walk by the container!  However, these are VERY addictive and I could help myself !  I had never made them for Dave until today and well, let's just say, they are officially Dave tested and approved!

You can use oyster crackers, Ritz types, wheat, gluten free or even pretzels to do these.

You can make them hotter with the amount of red pepper flakes- I like them very spicy so I put more than the recipe calls for-- and I am happy with it.  Can't wait to try these in chili!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Never gonna give you up...

So today is Ash Wednesday and I am married to a good ole Catholic boy and guess who forgot he can’t have meat today?  Well, that would be me- it was an accident I sent him with a peanut butter sandwich this morning, but thankfully I did.

Now for dinner… well, as you know meat does not mean fish so I sincerely thought about just getting fish sticks, but why?  I thought to myself, what would be a tasty little treat for a Wednesday night? Catfish!

Dave likes catfish- especially when in Louisiana or Arkansas. However, I decided I could pull this off. I bought some nice fillets and came home to fry up some fish!  Yet, there was one issue.

When I got home I realized I had no cornmeal.  I thought I did, but I did not. And let me tell you one thing about Arkansas girls, we know how to fry catfish and it is ONLY with cornmeal.  So what to do, what to do? LIGHTBULB!   Jiffy cornbread mix… yeah, I know, how droll, but you know those little boxes come in so handy from time to time.  How bad could it be?  

1 box Jiffy cornbread mix
1 tsp cajun seasoning
1 tsp Old Bay seasoning
1 tsp garlic salt
 cracked black pepper
2 tbsp Louisiana hot sauce
1 lb catfish fillets

1.  Heat 1/2 inch (or more) oil in over medium heat.
2.  Combine mix and seasonings together. 
3.  Cover fillets with the hot sauce and let sit for at least 30 minutes.
4.  Dip fillets in cornbread mixture and fry to a golden brown. Remember this is pan frying so let the 
     fish get crispy before turning the fillet. 

Wow… these were good!  I was right in thinking the Jiffy would be too sweet and it was a little sweet, but in a pinch, not too shabby!  I even made my own tartar sauce to go with this simply and fabulous meal.  Yes, there were fries to along side the fish.

Looks like the Lenten season  at Minnich Manor is off to a good start!  PS... Needless to say, I had a hamburger steak!  Protestant trash that I am!  :)